Elizabeth N. LeachAge: 90 years1623–1713
- Name
- Elizabeth N. Leach
- Given names
- Elizabeth N.
- Surname
- Leach
- Married name
- Elizabeth N. Buxton
Birth | 1623 |
Marriage | Anthony Taylor Buxton — View this family about 1643 (Age 20 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Lydia Buxton April 27, 1647 (Age 24 years) |
Marriage of a child | Joseph Small — Lydia Buxton — View this family October 26, 1672 (Age 49 years) |
Death of a husband | Anthony Taylor Buxton July 29, 1684 (Age 61 years) |
Death of a daughter | Lydia Buxton June 1708 (Age 85 years) |
Death | October 4, 1713 (Age 90 years) |
Family with Anthony Taylor Buxton |
husband |
Anthony Taylor Buxton Birth: January 6, 1601 34 22 — Wookey, Somerset, England Death: July 29, 1684 — Salem, MA |
herself |
Elizabeth N. Leach Birth: 1623 — Woodplumpton, Lancashire, England Death: October 4, 1713 — Lancaster, Massachusetts Bay Colony |
Marriage: about 1643 — Salem, MA |
4 years daughter |
Lydia Buxton Birth: April 27, 1647 46 24 — Salem, MA Death: June 1708 — Salem, MA |
Note | Excerpts from the New England Historical and Genealogical Register In 1692 Elizabeth BUXTON signed the testimonial to Rebecca NURSE's character in the Witch Trials. She signed as Elizabeth N. BUXTON. In the June 1692 witch trials, Elizabeth BUXTON was described as being "grand, wise and skillful". "Will of Anthony Buxton, of Salem, dated March 8, 1683-4, mentions wife Elizabeth, daughter Elizabeth, wife of Isaac Cook, to son, John Buxton, his 80 acres (given him by the town of Salem lying on Ipswich river, daughter Lydia and her children, daughter Mary and her children, daughter Sarah & her children, to my son John my great bell metal morter which I brought out of England, son Joseph to have what is left to his mother after her decease, daughter Hannah ten pounds to be p'd her on her marriage; appoints his wife Elizabeth ex'tx of the will, and his son Joseph to assist her. Witnesses, Nath'l Felton, Robert Fuller & Wm. Orne. Proved in Court 29 July, 1684. Inventory of above estate taken May 30, 1684, by Robert Fuller & Sam'l Aborne Sen'r, amount £238, returned by widow Elizabeth who is app'ted adm'x, 29 July, 1684." Source: Ira Patch. "Abstracts from Wills, Inventories, &c., on file in the Office of Clerk of Courts, Salem, Mass." |