
Gloria Jean VanMarterAge: 83 years19222005

Gloria Jean VanMarter
Given names
Gloria Jean
Birth February 26, 1922 37 33
Death of a maternal grandfatherFrancois S. LaForge
February 2, 1929 (Age 6 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherHermine Martin
February 6, 1929 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a sisterJoan Therese “Jo” VanMarter
February 7, 1929 (Age 6 years)
Death of a sisterDorothy Hermione VanMarter
April 23, 1934 (Age 12 years)
Cause: Heart Attack
Death of a paternal grandmotherMary Jane Eagen
October 22, 1934 (Age 12 years)
Death of a fatherOrval Leo VanMarter
December 31, 1944 (Age 22 years)
Death of a motherAnna Josephine LaForge
January 7, 1973 (Age 50 years)
Death of a brotherVincent Emil VanMarter
August 1994 (Age 72 years)
Death September 18, 2005 (Age 83 years)
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younger sister
-18 years
elder sister
-13 months
elder brother
7 years
elder brother
17 months
elder brother
4 years
-8 years
elder sister
5 years
elder sister
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No children.


Gloria Jean Waeiss, 83, died in her home in Gladwin on Sunday, Sept. 18, 2005. Born in Detroit on Feb. 26, 1922. the former Gloria VanMarter married Emil Waeiss in 1943 and went on to share 63 beautiful years together. In 1975 Gloria and Emil Waeiss returned to her husband’s birthplace of Gladwin, where they made their home. She held the prestigious honor of becoming one of the first female Marines in the United States during World War II. She maintained her love and honor for our country and for those serving through the armed forces in a variety of ways through her lifetime. She remained a member of the Women’s Marine Association and was a life member of both the VFW Auxiliary Post 7303 and the American Legion Post 171 in Gladwin, where she previously served as the first woman commander in the district. Her patriotism along with her husband’s took them to area classrooms where children could learn first hand some of the history of the United States. Among numerous citations in her lifetime was the Voice of Democracy Award. She was a successful business-woman and held many jobs including Ford Motor Company, Mercy College of Detroit, Lawrence Institute and as the personnel director of the Grace Hospitals in Detroit. She also owned and operated an employment and bookkeeping agency in Detroit. In spite of her busy career she was an active member and had served as the president of the Seroptomists Club which is an international organization devoted to human rights, equality, development of peace through international understanding and friendship. She completed the span of her career as personnel director of the Gladwin Hospital, retiring in 1977. Gloria was deeply devoted to God and will be remembered fondly for her generosity and commitment to charitable organizations, in particular those which benefited the youth of Gladwin from which she gained particular joy. Besides her loving husband Emil, she is survived by her sisters, Eileen (the late Robert) Mentier of Romeo, Rita (George) Spooner of White Lake, Mary Imogene and Jud Beckwith, and Joan (Ed) Laabs of Farmington Hills; many nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews; and special friends, including those who lovingly referred to her as Grandma and caregivers who helped her in her final weeks. She will be sadly missed by all of those who knew and loved her. She was predeceased by her parents, Orville and Anna VanMarter; her brothers, Lawrence, Lauren and Vincent VanMarter; and by a sister, Dorothy Charron. A funeral service will be held at the Sisson Funeral Home in Gladwin at 11 a.m. on Sept. 21 with burial immediately following at Highland Cemetery in Gladwin. Memorials in her memory may be made to the Pius X Catholic Church, c/o Father McMahon, Notre Dame De La Salette, 5065 Olivet Road, Georgetown, IL 61846. (