John Edmund LaabsAge: 63 years1942–2006
- Name
- John Edmund Laabs
- Surname
- Laabs
- Given names
- John Edmund
Birth | December 25, 1942 29 31 |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Max Alfred Albert Laabs February 21, 1951 (Age 8 years) Cause: Prostate cancer |
Death of a father | Max Albert Laabs jr. February 21, 1953 (Age 10 years) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Nellie Ethel Hughes December 13, 1956 (Age 13 years) |
Death of a mother | Margaret Theresa Ryan May 30, 1986 (Age 43 years) |
Death | February 10, 2006 (Age 63 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Birth: December 31, 1912 37 34 — Southbridge, MA Death: February 21, 1953 — Putnam, CT |
mother |
Margaret Theresa Ryan Birth: June 4, 1911 — Webster, MA Death: May 30, 1986 — Webster, MA |
sister |
Private |
himself |
John Edmund Laabs Birth: December 25, 1942 29 31 — Webster, MA Death: February 10, 2006 — New London, CT |
brother |
Private |
John Edmund Laabs + … … |
himself |
John Edmund Laabs Birth: December 25, 1942 29 31 — Webster, MA Death: February 10, 2006 — New London, CT |
son |
Private |
daughter |
Private |
Note | Waterford - John Edmund Laabs, age 63, of 4 Briarwood Drive, died Sunday at his home. He was born in Webster, Mass., on Dec. 25, 1942, the son of Max and Marguerite Laabs. He received his bachelor of science degree in engineering from UCONN, and also worked towards his master's degree at UCONN. His hobbies included Tai-Chi. He was a safety representative with the AWA for personal watercraft safety. He is survived by a son, John M. Laabs, of North Stonington; a daughter, Michelle Laabs Roise, of Deep River; a brother, Mark Laabs, of Webster; a sister, Marguerite Blaine, of North Grosvenordale; and five grandchildren, Max and Kyera Laabs, and Emily, Melina and Michael Roise. A service of remembrance will be conducted at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Thomas L. Neilan & Sons Funeral Home, 12 Ocean Ave., New London. Interment will be private. Memorial contributions may be made to either the Peaceful Wolf T'aichi Chuan School, 199 Old Hartford Road, Colchester CT 06415; or a check may be made payable to Jeanne Zuzel, c/o Healing Touch, 7 Greenbriar Road, Norwich CT 06360 for a scholarship to be established in his name. Published in The Day on Feb. 15, 2006. |