Florence LandryAge: 60 years1906–1966
- Name
- Florence Landry
- Surname
- Landry
- Given names
- Florence
Birth | February 4, 1906 |
Death of a husband | Lloyd “Fitz” Fitzpatrick April 29, 1961 (Age 55 years) |
Death | March 12, 1966 (Age 60 years) |
Family with parents |
father | |
mother | |
herself |
Florence Landry Birth: February 4, 1906 Death: March 12, 1966 — Flint, MI |
sister |
Private |
Family with Lloyd “Fitz” Fitzpatrick |
husband |
Birth: September 2, 1901 37 34 — Northland, MI Death: April 29, 1961 — Flint, MI |
herself |
Florence Landry Birth: February 4, 1906 Death: March 12, 1966 — Flint, MI |
daughter |
Private |
daughter |
Private |