
Felix John Belville Powell jrAge: 89 years17621851

Felix John Belville Powell jr
Given names
Felix John Belville
Name suffix
Birth 1762 39
MarriageOlive Lenora HallView this family
1788 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a daughter
Minerva Powell
April 12, 1812 (Age 50 years)
Death of a wifeOlive Lenora Hall
1821 (Age 59 years)
Marriage of a childArmstrong AllgerMinerva PowellView this family
September 12, 1827 (Age 65 years)
Death February 5, 1851 (Age 89 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: June 11, 1743Boston, MA
20 years
Family with Olive Lenora Hall - View this family
Marriage: 1788NY
24 years


Letter from U. S. Senate, Committee on Industrial Expositions, dated March 1, 1910 and addressed to Mrs. George Hyde, Tacoma , WA and signed W. L. Jones:

A search of the records at the Pension Office [yields] the following result: Mr. Powel (sic) was allowed pension on his application executed May 11, 1818, at which time he was fifty-seven years of age and a resident of Jefferson County, New York.

He stated in his application that he was in the battles of Fort George, Lake Champlain and Bennington, and that he enlisted in Vermon in September, 1777, in Captain Gideon Brownson's company, Colonel Seth Warner's Continental regiment; was transferred to Captain Buell's company in the 1st Connecticutt regiment from which he was transferred to Captain Clift's Light Infantry company of Colonel Butler's regiment; was in the battles of Horseneck and Valentines's Hill and was discharged June 3, 1783 at West Point, New York.

In 1820 he referred to his wife aged fifty years (name not stated) and children Mary, aged ten years, and Minerva, aged seven years. In 1855 one Maria Brown testified that she was the soldier's daughter, and that he died February 5, 1851, in her house at Cape Vincent, Jefferson County, New York.

State of Vermont payroll, 16 June, 1778, lists Felix Powell and Felix Powell, Jr. as "men in service under command of Capt. N. Smith" in August, 1777.