Anna Maria DiehlAge: 55 years1744–1800
- Name
- Anna Maria Diehl
- Surname
- Diehl
- Given names
- Anna Maria
Birth | February 11, 1744 31 24 |
Birth of a brother | John Adam Diehl December 16, 1746 (Age 2 years) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | John Adam Diehl April 16, 1755 (Age 11 years) |
Death of a father | John Daniel Diehl March 23, 1762 (Age 18 years) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Maria Catherina Kreischer August 20, 1764 (Age 20 years) |
Death | January 10, 1800 (Age 55 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
John Daniel Diehl Birth: 1713 22 17 — Germany Death: March 23, 1762 — Springfield, PA |
mother |
Maria Elizabeth Simon Birth: March 1719 41 35 — PA |
Marriage: December 26, 1740 — Warwick, PA |
22 months elder brother |
John Carl Diehl Birth: October 19, 1742 29 23 |
16 months herself |
Anna Maria Diehl Birth: February 11, 1744 31 24 — Seven Valleys, PA Death: January 10, 1800 — York, PA |
3 years younger brother |
John Adam Diehl Birth: December 16, 1746 33 27 |
Family with Michael Ebert |
husband | |
herself |
Anna Maria Diehl Birth: February 11, 1744 31 24 — Seven Valleys, PA Death: January 10, 1800 — York, PA |