
Carl Shoup.jpg

Carl C. ShoupAge: 73 years18861960

Carl C. Shoup
Given names
Carl C.
Birth February 27, 1886 31
Death of a maternal grandfatherJohn Shoup
March 9, 1886 (Age 10 days)
Death of a maternal grandmotherMaria Stahl
August 1, 1887 (Age 17 months)
MarriageEdith Lyle LilleyView this family
June 26, 1910 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a son
Lambert LaVerne Shoup
February 13, 1911 (Age 24 years)

Birth of a son
Leonard Albert Shoup
February 13, 1911 (Age 24 years)

Birth of a daughter
Lillian Melissa Shoup
January 13, 1912 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a son
Homer Oliver Shoup
February 24, 1913 (Age 26 years)

Birth of a son
Clyde Melvin Shoup
June 25, 1921 (Age 35 years)

Birth of a daughter
Doris Wanda Shoup
November 8, 1925 (Age 39 years)
Death of a sonClyde Melvin Shoup
October 7, 1944 (Age 58 years)
Cause: Airplane shot down
Death of a sonLambert LaVerne Shoup
February 13, 1945 (Age 58 years)
Death of a motherMelissa Jane Shoup
May 27, 1945 (Age 59 years)
Cause: Pneumonia
Death February 6, 1960 (Age 73 years)
Family with parents - View this family
-6 years
elder brother
Family with Edith Lyle Lilley - View this family
Marriage: June 26, 1910Wauseon, OH
8 months
11 months
13 months
8 years
4 years


1900 census in Richland, OH:Age 14, a hired man living with another family.1920 census in Adams Twp, OHAge 34, a machinist at Champion Spark Plug in Toledo, OH. He was living with his wife, Edith, age 38, also an employee of Champion; children Leonard (8), Lambert (8), Lillian (7) and Homer (6). Also living with them was Edith's mother Ruth Lilly, age 65 (born: OH, Father born: OH, Mother born: PA)

1930 Census, Sylvania, OH: Carl, 44, barber; Edith L., 43; Leonard A, 19, barber; Lambert L., 19, stock clerk; Lillian M, 18; housework; Homer O., 17, farm laborer; Clyde M., 8; Doris W., 4-5/12; Ruth Lilley, 75.

Daughter Lillian's birth certificate says he was a barber, living in Elmira, OH.

Media objectCarl Shoup.jpg
Carl Shoup.jpg
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Image dimensions: 392 × 528 pixels
File size: 18 KB
Type: Photo
Media objectCarl Shoup Grave.jpg
Carl Shoup Grave.jpg
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Image dimensions: 391 × 207 pixels
File size: 37 KB
Type: Photo
Media objectCarl Shoup Family 1920.jpg
Carl Shoup Family 1920.jpg
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Image dimensions: 372 × 554 pixels
File size: 29 KB
Type: Photo
Note: Carl, Lillian, Edith ... Lambert, Homer, Leonard ... Dec 1920
Media objectCarl and Edith Shoup 1942.jpg
Carl and Edith Shoup 1942.jpg
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File size: 17 KB
Type: Photo
Media objectCarl Shoup 2.jpg
Carl Shoup 2.jpg
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Image dimensions: 484 × 611 pixels
File size: 28 KB
Type: Photo
Media objectL-R_Lee Teel_Doris Shoup Teel_Edith Lilley Shoup_Carl Shoup.jpg
L-R_Lee Teel_Doris Shoup Teel_Edith Lilley Shoup_Carl Shoup.jpg
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Image dimensions: 465 × 672 pixels
File size: 220 KB
Type: Photo
Media objectCarl_Edith Shoup Marriage Record.jpg
Carl_Edith Shoup Marriage Record.jpg
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Image dimensions: 2,050 × 1,685 pixels
File size: 1,494 KB
Type: Photo