Arthur Leslie ShoupAge: 79 years1886–1966
- Name
- Arthur Leslie Shoup
- Surname
- Shoup
- Given names
- Arthur Leslie
Birth | May 30, 1886 52 36 |
Birth of a brother | Arvine Shoup May 30, 1886 |
Death of a brother | Arvine Shoup February 14, 1904 (Age 17 years) |
Death of a mother | Eunice Ring after 1910 (Age 23 years) |
Marriage | Ida Olive Fry — View this family January 21, 1911 (Age 24 years) |
Death of a father | Austin Shoup May 17, 1913 (Age 26 years) |
Death | February 11, 1966 (Age 79 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
mother |
Eunice Ring Birth: April 19, 1850 23 17 — Cuyahoga co., OH Death: after 1910 |
Marriage: January 5, 1868 — Smyrna, MI |
6 years elder brother |
Edmund Henry Shoup Birth: June 30, 1873 39 23 — North Shade, MI |
2 years elder sister |
Clara Louise Shoup Birth: August 30, 1875 41 25 — North Shade, MI |
9 years elder brother |
Birney Ellis Shoup Birth: April 6, 1884 50 33 — North Shade, MI |
2 years himself |
Arthur Leslie Shoup Birth: May 30, 1886 52 36 — North Shade, MI Death: February 11, 1966 — LosAngeles, CA |
twin brother |
Arvine Shoup Birth: May 30, 1886 52 36 — North Shade, MI Death: February 14, 1904 — North Shade, MI |
Family with Ida Olive Fry |
himself |
Arthur Leslie Shoup Birth: May 30, 1886 52 36 — North Shade, MI Death: February 11, 1966 — LosAngeles, CA |
wife |
Ida Olive Fry Birth: February 15, 1888 31 22 — MI Death: October 1981 — Muskegon, MI |
Marriage: January 21, 1911 — Greenville, MI |
Note | Has 2 living daughters |