Flossie A. ShoupAge: 99 years1889–1989
- Name
- Flossie A. Shoup
- Surname
- Shoup
- Given names
- Flossie A.
Birth | August 29, 1889 27 27 |
Divorce | Hautson Ward Zepernick — View this family yes |
Death of a mother | Bella T. Stout November 5, 1902 (Age 13 years) |
Death of a husband | Hautson Ward Zepernick March 27, 1909 (Age 19 years) |
Death of a father | Clement Austin Shoup October 14, 1952 (Age 63 years) Cause: Influenzal pneumonia |
Death of a husband | Hugh Sanders December 10, 1961 (Age 72 years) |
Death of a brother | Clifton D. Shoup December 5, 1964 (Age 75 years) |
Death | February 11, 1989 (Age 99 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
mother |
Marriage: February 7, 1888 — Seneca, OH |
1 month elder brother |
18 months herself |
Flossie A. Shoup Birth: August 29, 1889 27 27 — OH Death: February 11, 1989 |
Family with Hugh Sanders |
husband |
Hugh Sanders Birth: April 29, 1889 — England Death: December 10, 1961 |
herself |
Flossie A. Shoup Birth: August 29, 1889 27 27 — OH Death: February 11, 1989 |
daughter |
Private |
Family with Hautson Ward Zepernick |
ex-husband |
Hautson Ward Zepernick Birth: February 22, 1885 — OH Death: March 27, 1909 — Sandusky co., OH |
herself |
Flossie A. Shoup Birth: August 29, 1889 27 27 — OH Death: February 11, 1989 |
Divorce: — |