James H ThompsonAge: 75 years1822–1897
- Name
- James H Thompson
- Surname
- Thompson
- Given names
- James H
Birth | calculated February 8, 1822 48 41 |
Death of a mother | Luvicy … 1846 (Age 23 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | William Thompson about 1847 (Age 24 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Martha E Thompson about 1849 (Age 26 years) |
Death of a father | Philip Thompson 1854 (Age 31 years) |
Death of a sister | Lucinda Thompson July 26, 1892 (Age 70 years) |
Death | June 9, 1897 (Age 75 years) |
Burial |
Family with parents |
father |
Philip Thompson Birth: 1774 — MD Death: 1854 — Ross County, OH |
mother |
Luvicy … Birth: 1781 Death: 1846 |
elder sister |
Lucinda Thompson Birth: February 11, 1815 41 34 — Ross Co., OH Death: July 26, 1892 — Muscatine, ? Co., Iowa |
7 years himself |
James H Thompson Birth: calculated February 8, 1822 48 41 Death: June 9, 1897 |
Family with Catharine (Katurah) … |
himself |
James H Thompson Birth: calculated February 8, 1822 48 41 Death: June 9, 1897 |
wife |
Catharine (Katurah) … Birth: 1826 Death: 1912 |
son |
William Thompson Birth: about 1847 24 21 |
3 years daughter |
Martha E Thompson Birth: about 1849 26 23 |
Note | Notes for: James H Thompson b abt 1822 Marriage Information: Census Information: 1850 Union, Ross Co., OH - Philip Thompson 76, James H 28, Catharine 24, William 3, Maratha E 1 John Fowler 22 laborer 1860 Union Ross OH - James H Thompson 38, Catharine 34, William 12, Matha E 10, Charles 8, Grorge 6, Marion 3 Other information: Burial information: |