George Bruce FergusonAge: 39 years1868–1908
- Name
- George Bruce Ferguson
- Surname
- Ferguson
- Given names
- George Bruce
Birth | May 10, 1868 |
Birth of a son #1 | Earl Edward Ferguson August 12, 1904 (Age 36 years) |
Death | February 6, 1908 (Age 39 years) |
Burial |
Family with Clara Shasteen |
himself |
George Bruce Ferguson Birth: May 10, 1868 — Harristown, Macon Co., IL Death: February 6, 1908 — Decatur, Macon Co., IL |
wife |
Clara Shasteen Birth: July 4, 1867 27 20 — Yellowbud, Ross Co., OH Death: March 22, 1955 — Decatur, Macon Co., IL |
son |
Earl Edward Ferguson Birth: August 12, 1904 36 37 Death: November 1958 — Decatur |
daughter |
Private |