Marjorie Edith SussmanAge: 76 years1917–1993
- Name
- Marjorie Edith Sussman
- Given names
- Marjorie Edith
- Surname
- Sussman
- Also known as
- Marge
Birth | June 12, 1917 28 24 |
Birth of a brother | Robert Edgar Sussman December 17, 1922 (Age 5 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | John Milton Jones October 30, 1935 (Age 18 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Anna Gertrude Hendricks September 25, 1936 (Age 19 years) |
Marriage | John Vance Whitehouse — View this family April 29, 1939 (Age 21 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Sandra Whitehouse about 1941 (Age 23 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | John Vance Whitehouse jr. January 9, 1946 (Age 28 years) |
Death of a mother | Bessie Ruth Jones November 1, 1975 (Age 58 years) |
Death of a brother | Robert Edgar Sussman July 7, 1979 (Age 62 years) Cause: Renal failure |
Death of a father | Robert Emil Sussman October 1, 1983 (Age 66 years) |
Death of a husband | John Vance Whitehouse December 1, 1991 (Age 74 years) |
Death | December 27, 1993 (Age 76 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Birth: March 27, 1889 41 28 — Toledo, OH Death: October 1, 1983 — Merritt Island, FL |
mother |
Marriage: June 24, 1916 — Toledo, OH |
7 years younger brother |
-6 years herself |
Birth: June 12, 1917 28 24 — Toledo, OH Death: December 27, 1993 — Orangeville, ON |
Family with John Vance Whitehouse |
husband |
Birth: July 26, 1914 32 32 — East Tawas, MI Death: December 1, 1991 — Cocoa Beach, FL |
herself |
Birth: June 12, 1917 28 24 — Toledo, OH Death: December 27, 1993 — Orangeville, ON |
Marriage: April 29, 1939 — Dekalb, IN |
3 years daughter |
5 years son |
Birth: January 9, 1946 31 28 — Detroit, MI Death: November 18, 2002 — Toronto, ON |
Note | Living with son Johnny in Canada at the time of her death. Until Jack's retirement, lived in Birmingham, MI. Moved to FL after he retired. |
Media object | Robert Bessie Marge Sussman.JPG Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 1,605 × 1,390 pixels File size: 697 KB Type: Photo |
Media object | Marge Sussman Whitehouse.JPG Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 1,266 × 1,892 pixels File size: 754 KB Type: Photo Highlighted image: yes |
Media object | Marge and Jack Whitehouse with Jacks parents.JPG Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 1,297 × 2,136 pixels File size: 862 KB Type: Photo |
Media object | Marge Jack Whitehouse Robert Bessie Sussman Jacks mom.JPG Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 1,201 × 2,044 pixels File size: 778 KB Type: Photo |
Media object | Marge Sandy John Whitehouse.JPG Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 1,495 × 2,145 pixels File size: 968 KB Type: Photo Highlighted image: no |
Media object | Bessie and Marge Sussman.jpg Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 743 × 864 pixels File size: 91 KB Type: Photo |