Alfred James CarterAge: 65 years1904–1969
- Name
- Alfred James Carter
- Surname
- Carter
- Given names
- Alfred James
Birth | February 8, 1904 48 33 |
Death of a father | Charles Burdett Carter March 19, 1920 (Age 16 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | James Alexander Chasteen July 9, 1928 (Age 24 years) |
Death of a brother | William Vern Carter November 7, 1957 (Age 53 years) |
Death of a mother | Olla Adella Chasteen October 17, 1959 (Age 55 years) |
Death of a brother | Glenn Charles Carter July 18, 1966 (Age 62 years) |
Death | December 18, 1969 (Age 65 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Charles Burdett Carter Birth: April 22, 1855 — Stark Co., OH Death: March 19, 1920 — Nichols, IA, |
mother |
Olla Adella Chasteen Birth: June 18, 1870 28 21 — Louisa Co., IA Death: October 17, 1959 — Muscatine, IA |
Marriage: March 14, 1889 — Muscatine Co., IA |
9 months elder sister |
Vera Ann Carter Birth: December 24, 1889 34 19 — Muscatine Co., IA Death: July 22, 1974 — Muscatine Co., IA |
2 years elder sister |
Erma Eva Carter Birth: February 27, 1892 36 21 |
2 years elder brother |
Glenn Charles Carter Birth: June 26, 1894 39 24 — Muscatine Co., IA Death: July 18, 1966 — Muscatine Co., IA |
2 years elder brother |
William Vern Carter Birth: September 17, 1896 41 26 — Muscatine Co. IA Death: November 7, 1957 — Muscatine Co. IA |
brother | |
himself |
Alfred James Carter Birth: February 8, 1904 48 33 — Muscatine Co., IA Death: December 18, 1969 — Iowa City, IA |
brother |