How to Navigate the Tree Homepage
When you go to this page, this is the mainpage:

There are several sections:
1. Top Row

- On the far left is the software name: webtrees. And of course our name: Sussman-Laabs.
- On the far right is the sign in link, if you have a UserID.
- I recommend ignoring the other choices.
2. Second Row

- Click on the Family tree icon on any page to return to this homepage.
- The Search icon is used to search on a name. See instruction #2 for how to use it.
- I recommend ignoring the other four icons. Not so useful, unless you're a genealogy pro.
3. Favorites Section

These are quick links to our grandparents, for fast access to any family line. Click on a name to jump to the person’s page.
Note: Wherever you are, clicking on a person’s name opens the person’s page.
4. "Sussman-Laabs" Section

- Request a new user account icon - I never approve user accounts. Sorry.
- I recommend you ignore the other two icons. Not useful.
5. Slide Show Section

This randomly cycles thorugh the thousands of pictures in the database. This is purely for your amusement.
6. "On this day" & "Upcoming events" Sections

Again, this is for your amusement. Shows events for which today is the anniversary. Also, upcoming anniversaries in next week or two.
At the bottom of the page and every page, you can click on my name to contact me.