The Sussman-Laabs Family Tree

Basic Information

INSTRUCTIONS: How to Navigate this Family Tree Website

As of today (mid-2021), there are over 6,000 names in this family tree. That's a lot of data, so we need a powerful database application.

The application we use on this website is Webtrees, a commercial package which is really powerful, but also pretty complicated to use. Please refer to this set of instructions to learn how to use the website.

Please do not feel this might be too hard for you. Its actually pretty easy. There’s just a lot of things that the website does. We’ll focus on the common operations that you probably want to do most.

I really hope you enjoy poking around this site. A few minutes of reading some of the instructions will pay off in your enjoyment.

There are two different Homepages:

1. The WEBSITE Homepage

You got to this Website Instructions page from the WEBSITE Homepage. It includes family stories, a few cool facts, and other general information. Its fun & easy. Get here by going to; the WEBSITE homepage looks like this:

2. The TREE Homepage

This is the actual family tree with all the juicy details of every person and how they all interrelate. This is where the action is. Get here by clicking on the button on the SITE Homepage, which takes you to the Webtrees application. The TREE homepage looks like this:

Two very important points about this website:

  1. You can only see deceased persons. You cannot see information on living persons. If you look at any relational information, you may see a related person with only the description private - it means that is a living person and information is protected.
  2. The Webtrees application allows you to request a user account. I'm sorry, but I don't approve requests for user accounts. Again, this is to protect information on living persons.

Check out additional instructions on navigating the SITE Homepage and the TREE Homepage.